How does Automation work?

By enabling any of our automated strategies, a user gives the DeFi Saver Automation smart contracts the rights to make adjustments on their position - but only once the user configured trigger condition is met, and fully limited by the user's configuration.

If we take Automated leverage management, for example, an auto-repay can only be executed for a user's position once their current ratio drops below their configured ("repay if below") ratio. If the system were to attempt to execute a repay before this trigger condition is met, the transaction would fail.

On top of this, there's also on-chain verification of transaction outcome, meaning that the transaction execution will complete successfully only if the user's target condition is met. In the case of an auto-repay this means that the "repay to" ratio needs to be reached at the end of the transaction.

Once any automated strategy is enabled for a certain position, the Automation bots start actively monitoring it, so they can execute any needed adjustments as soon as the configured thresholds are reached.

Illustration of how an auto-repay works: (Note: this illustration specifically applies to an older automation architecture, though it still provides a good conceptual overview.)

For latest technical details, you can always check the development docs, as well as the smart contracts source code.

Last updated